It was with great regret that I read about the demise of the late Bob Carlos Clarke in this month's Black & White Photography magazine (December 2006, no. 67). He died earlier this year when he stepped in front on a train.
I had been an admirer of his work ever since I went to his "Dark Summer" exhibition in the Mid Eighties. I have always regretted not buying his book ever since I went to the exhibition. Today, they are collectors items.
His work was always very distinctive; often pushing the boundaries of what was acceptable. One of his last books, "Shooting sex", was no exception. However, read through the text of this book and you get to understand a little bit more about the man behind the lens.
Along with the magazine article is a set of photographs of knifes and forks from the early 90's. Not some of the images that he will be remembered for, but stunning none the less. You will find more information on, but probably the most extensive range of images will be found at