- Cyantoypes - having played around with these recently, this seems appealing. I really like some of the images in the Eddie Ephraum's book. It would be possible to mock up some of these images by shooting them on 35mm, scanning a print, and then making a large "digital" negative from the scan. This should speed the process up as well as making experimentation a bit easier.
- Infrared - in the past I have gone through periods of shooting Kodak HIE and developing it in HC110. I currently have stocks of both.
- Lith prints - again went through a period of doing a lot of lith printing. I have both paper and chemicals (Fototspeed LD20). I am particularly tempted to combine infrared film and then lith print it.
- Pinhole images - I have previously made pinhole cameras out of 35mm film canisters. I also have a purpose made 5x4 pinhole camera. Biggest problem here is being able to preview the image.
- I have been toying with the idea of doing some still life work - I was recently impressed with Bob Carlos Clarke's spoon photos. I hadn't seen these for a long time.
- Polaroid Type 55 - This produces 5x4 negatives as well as a positive. I have a couple of boxes (20 sheets each) that expired in May 2006 but should still be OK. They will need to be used fairly shortly if they are going to be of any use.
In terms of subject matter:
- Re-purposed Welsh Churches. There always seems to be an over abundance of these and they are now being put to all sorts of purposes - carpet shops, art galleries, museums etc.
- Still life - I am always amazed at what washes up on the beaches on our trips to North Wales. Maybe a still life made up of things washed up on a beach.
- Graveyards - Really intrigued by one of the local Victorian grave yards in London. I always find the buildings and tombstones (which are usually in a state of decay) interesting.
- Nudes - Inspired by the Eddie Ephraums/Allan Jenkins book.
So now, it is just a case of combining one of the techniques with one of the subjects.......