Monday, 30 June 2008

Not quite what I was planning

Here's a great little book. It consists of 1,000 autobiographies - all in 6 words. It is the result of an article in the US Smith magazine where readers submitted their own 6 word biographies. Allegedly inspired by Ernest Hemingway who was once challenged to write a story in six words. He came up with "For sale: baby shoes, never worn".

My favourites?

  • Occasionally wrong but never in doubt;

  • Tried everything once, few things twice;
  • Found true love, married someone else;

  • Educated too much, lived too little;
  • Lucky in everything else but love;

  • Cursed with cancer. Blessed with friends;

  • Never really finished anything, but cake.

It is possible to read it from cover to cover in an hour. It is inspiring and thought provoking. The thought that went through my mind is that many of these autobiographies would make great themes for photos.

I don't think it is out yet in the UK, but you can find imports on Amazon.