Saturday, 18 April 2009

Blogs that no one reads!!

With number of blogs exploding, the number of bloggers out there (including me) who write stuff that no one ever reads is ever expanding.

Which raises the question: Why would anyone continue to write stuff that no one appears to read?

So here is the strange thing: I read my own blog! I know that it sounds weird, but on more than one occasion I have been faced with a situation where I can't remember where I came across something piece of information. Then it suddenly occurs to me! I blogged on it. Since access to the Internet is just about universal these days, a quick search on my own blog reveals where I saw the information. How weird! It is almost as if the blog has become an online scrapbook for those little snippets of information that I come across. And let's face with the Internet, everything is a "snippet of information".

Now if I remember back to the work that I was doing on Innovation, much of what we see as being innovative is actually someone making connections between different ideas that are already out there in the real world. What is innovative is not having an idea that no one has had before, but making connections that no one else has made before. Thus being able to access these bits of information will become key to the innovation process. Maybe there is something to be said for these sorts of blogs after all!