"The Very Best of....." Not a very modest description given that these are the only tracks ever recorded!
The tracks were recorded in July 1981 at CBC 221 FM (Cardiff Broadcasting Company - a local radio station). The station disappeared in 1985 and later became Red Dragon Radio and is still on air today. The three tracks were recorded as part of a "Battle of the Bands" competition. Needless to say, we didn't win!
Don't really want to be like you
He's so tough
Well, 27 years later, you can download the mp3 files for your iPod. How the world has changed! Who would have thought that over a quarter of a century later you would be able to download the tracks over the web to play on the equivalent of your "Sony Walkman". I have even sorted out the meta tags so the track and ablum titles should appear on your iPod.
But don't worry, somethings don't improve with age!
The late 1970's and early 1980's were a great time to be playing in a band and I have great memories of this time as well as some great vinyl. The rest of the band were Mark Wilson (Bunny), Paul Hardacre, and Geoff Munro. Guys, if you come past this way, drop me a line!